
Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=opgegeven opdracht niet gevonden.&errorcode=4

Error message for macbook

If you are an Apple device user, you may have encountered the error message Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain&ErrorMessage=Opgegeven Opdracht Niet Gevonden.&ErrorCode=4 while using your device. This error message is usually related to an issue with the macOS operating system or a third-party application installed on the device.

The message may be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to resolve it. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and discuss how you can fix it.

What Causes the Error Message?

The message is often associated with a problem with the operating system or a third-party application installed on the device. This error can occur due to various reasons, including:

Incomplete Software Update: If the operating system update on your device was not completed successfully, it can result in this error message.

Corrupted Files: Corrupted or damaged files on your device can also lead to the error message.

Third-party Applications: Some third-party applications installed on your device can also cause this error, especially if they are not compatible with the operating system.

How to Fix the error Message

Now that we understand the causes of this error message let’s discuss how you can resolve it.

Restart Your Device: The first step in fixing this error message is to restart your device. This can often resolve any minor issues with the operating system or application causing the problem.

Update Your Operating System: If restarting your device doesn’t fix the issue, you should check for any pending software updates. If there is an update available, install it and restart your device.

Remove Third-Party Applications: If the error message is caused by a third-party application, uninstalling the app may resolve the issue. To remove an application, go to the Applications folder and drag the application to the Trash. Then, empty the Trash and restart your device.

Repair Disk Permissions: You can also try repairing the disk permissions on your device. To do this, go to Disk Utility, select your startup disk, and click on the “First Aid” button. Then, click on “Repair Disk Permissions,” and wait for the process to complete.

Contact Apple Support: If none of the above steps resolves the error message, you may need to contact Apple Support for assistance. They will be able to diagnose and resolve the issue for you.


The Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain&ErrorMessage=Opgegeven Opdracht Niet Gevonden.&ErrorCode=4 message can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to fix it. Try restarting your device, updating your operating system, removing third-party applications, repairing disk permissions, and contacting Apple Support if necessary. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and use your device without any problems