
How To Incorporate Biking Into a Busy Schedule

Whether you ride for mental health, exercise, exploration or just for fun, you get a lot out of cycling. Yet if you’re like nearly everyone else, trying to fit it into your schedule can be a bit challenging. Between work or school, family, self-care and other responsibilities, you may find yourself wishing for more hours in your day! But with some smart advice, you can make time to hit your favorite paths and trails.

How To Prioritize Exercise Daily

Modern life makes it a bit difficult to focus on self-care, including exercise. That’s why people use a few tried-and-true methods for making exercise a priority. A great way to motivate yourself is to set goals, tracking your progress and rewarding yourself when you reach key milestones. Exercising in the morning literally puts it first – and you have plenty of energy for it before you go full steam ahead into your day. Working out with others adds the social dimension, plus you help keep each other accountable and motivated.

It’s also easier to fit exercise into your day if you’re doing activities that you enjoy. And cycling has a lot to offer: the freedom of riding in the open air, gorgeous scenery, speed and the endless potential for new challenges. These alone can make you want to hop on your bike. But if you’re starved for time, try these useful tips to work it into your day:

  • Commute daily on your bike.
  • Try riding bikes as a family.
  • Ride during your lunch hour.
  • Schedule rides on your calendar or planner.
  • Choose your bike for short errands instead of your vehicle.

Cycling is also a low-impact activity, less strenuous on the knees and most other joints – but you need a bike that fits you properly. And if you don’t already have one, you’ll want to check out some of the best comfort bikes.

Sixthreezero’s Around the Block and EVRYJourney series bikes are some great examples. Both models fit riders weighing up to 300 pounds. Around the Block is ideal for riders up to 6 feet tall, while the EVRYJourney supports those up to 6 feet 4 inches tall. Their designs are also ideal for people with back pain, thanks to an ergonomic riding position. The EVRYJourney incorporates a forward pedaling position, which works well for anyone with knee issues.

Biking Every Day To Stay in Shape

Believe it or not, you don’t need to bike for hours to enjoy its fitness benefits. Just 30 minutes improves cardiovascular and muscular health. Cycling 30 minutes a day for five days each week meets the World Health Organization’s recommended amount of physical activity. Riding your bike also helps strengthen the back and abdominal muscles that comprise your core. These muscles protect your spine and stabilize your body, but they also help transfer force between your upper and lower body regions.

Nearly anyone can take up cycling and reap its benefits. Fitting it into your busy day can help you get the most out of your biking activities. And whether you choose a traditional two-wheeler or the best ebike for hills, selecting a bike that meets your needs is another key to enjoyment.